Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shame on you, FRC

The Family Research Council has done it again! I am a Christian who likes to listen to Christian Radio for music, sermons, Bible studies and talk shows. However, when I hear such things as what the FRC babbled recently, I have to change the channel before I change my faith to Buddhist! They called President Obama the first gay president! Now I don't believe there is anything wrong with being gay...president or otherwise, but it was meant as a slam, divisive rhetoric, and an inflamitory rallying cry!

With the Conservative Republican groups (like the TEA party movement), stirring up America on issues which the Republican congress, just a few years ago, took as their cause select, and idiots like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity preaching hate, predjudice and vitriol every day, how can America survive! Our nation is built on compromise, reason, negotiations and unity (E Pluribus Unum). These people divide us and make us feel that they have done the research for us so we don't have to think.

The polarization that we are seeing has been developing since 9/11 at least. The Democrats are not guiltless, but the Republicans certainly shoulder the largest share of the blame. They took as their ammunition to unseat the Democratic majority and president any and everything they could find to work on a wedge to uproot calmness, civility and good sense. We can't run America without taxes, and yet the Republican leadership has sung a song of tax cuts until our national debt has made us a beggar to Communist China! At the end of the Clinton Adm, we not only had a surplus in the national debt, but the economy was soaring! Yes, we had a war to fight (don't get me started) and wars are expensive. However, if you go back in the history of all this you find that the planning, intel, strategy, and all the rest involved were all piss poor and not worthy of this great nation. The Republicans (who created a monster) kept the rhetoric going on what a good thing we were doing and any criticism is treasonous and kills the troup morale.

I am fed up with those who tear down America and this president. He has not even been in office for half his term and already gain sayers are plotting his political demise. Is this predjudice against Blacks? It might well be asked. Perhaps we need a Hyde Park to debate and slander our leaders, rather than spread the evil which exists in the hearts of some of our citizens by means of the media.

Please, Be Calm, and Carry On!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Are you so sure?"

I have a very good friend on Twitter who makes a lot of noise about not believing in God. The other day he was saying things that did not honor God and in fact bordered on the blasphemous. After hearing him say stuff like this over the period when we have been talking, I decided to respond. I asked him if he was so sure that God did not exist. Now, I have not been quiet about my feelings, beliefs, or faith and so he should know what side of this fence I stand on. I was only inquiring as to whether he was sitting on that fence or completely on the other side from me. He responded with: “Are you so sure he DOES?” I took that as a direct challenge and I replied: “I have more evidence that HE exists than that YOU do.” That should have been a profound statement but I am not sure he understood or felt its entire import.

I have read his posts and sent him “DM”s for several months now. I have learned about his likes and dislikes, his personality and have sent him posts to which he has replied. Not only that but I have asked him, anonymously, the most personal of questions on a site where that is the game and have read his responses to those and the many many others he has responded to coming from others. I have come to accept him, really like him, and appreciate and respect him. I know he has faults, but so do I and everyone else I know. I really enjoy him. Though he is young, he sports as many mature traits and opinions as he does immature ones (said in the technical sense and not in the disparaging sense). All this being said you might say I know him pretty well…..yet I know God better.

I have been in contact with my friend for several months as I said and I am more than sure that he exists, yet I know even better than that that God exists. Although my friend has talked to me, answered questions and given my advice from time to time, his statements and advice do not carry that spiritual witness of absolute authority and power to my soul as does the ones that come from God.

I could go on and on in ways that I know God exists, but I have made my point or perhaps have made enough of one that I might go on. I will not claim to be a special person nor deserving of praise. I have been accused of being prideful, stubborn, and over opinionated….I stand guilty as charged. Some say I am always so sure that I am right and I have to be right, always. Again, I will admit to that.

I was raised to stand proud and solid in what I knew was right. I was raised to believe that our family was a beacon of right and truth, integrity and example. I cannot testify I have always been that. I love my fellow men, brothers and sisters. I am honored and humbled to serve my God as much as I can. I will also admit that on so many occasions I have strayed from the straight and narrow path. I enjoy a lot of worldly pleasures and am a too willing participant with others of like mind. My temptations are many, some serious, some minor and I love all of them. I am working on improving but insist on going at my own pace.

So I am no fanatic and no goodie two shoes. I do not go around with a sign saying “Repent, for the Kingdom is at hand!” I believe what I believe and am comfortable in my own skin. I allow all men the same privilege, but sometimes I do question the logic and thinking of some. I believe quite strongly that I know the truth (the way things really are and the way they have been and always will be), but I don’t go around pushing that in others faces. I like to converse and discuss things of philosophy and of faith and invite one and all to test me on that. I may be shy and humble, but I hide it whenever a good question comes along. Comments and questions are always welcome.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Should Teachers Be Online With Their Studens?

The question was asked today: "Should teachers be online with their students?" I have somewhat to say on that subject. The answer: "It depends on the teacher and somewhat on the students." Teachers have been getting some undesireable press, of late, concerning sexual misconduct with their students. The number of these incidents is alarming, but understandable. If a teacher, counselor, physician, or lawyer is to have influence (be believable and motivational) there has to be present a personal and positive bond and relationship. In this age of "E-" everything, it is almost impossible to exist in this society without embracing and partaking of the technology.

Being online with students can be a very positive part of that relationship and very helpful to the educational environment, or it can be the disaster we too often see in the headlines today. Teachers often find their students online in chatrooms or social networking sites. In that casual environment they can lose the official status and demeanor and become a friend. That in some cases leads to an emotional and even romantic bond which can turn sexual all too easily. Teachers have hormones just like teenagers and can be attracted to a pretty face, a great body, or a winning personality. Students are likewise likely to be attracted to teachers in the same way. For me it is completely understandable.

However, I have someone on Twitter I consider a great friend. His name is Jeff Swift He teaches at BYU and uses Twitter, and I believe Facebook, to enhance his classes and further his relationships. He is a great teacher....the best I have ever encountered. He is a person and teacher to be honored, admired and emulated not immolated as some teachers I have known should be. He is not alone in using internet resources in the classroom. I believe he returned from a conference not long ago on that subject. He is joined by a host of modern and enlighted instructors. He uses Twitter to make assignments, to discuss lessons and to comment on things his students say. He also asks for help from others using Twitter to evaluate resources or look for ones he needs. I can't see him ever getting into trouble as others in his profession have done. The differece?

First he is strong and focused on his task as a teacher. He knows who he is and is not distracted that way by his students. Second, he is married to a wonderful and supportive wife and family. He doesn't have to look elsewhere for excitement or appreciation. Third, he is devoted to his faith and has a firm relationship with his God and the principles set down that form his religious beliefs. In my conversations with him and my reading of his posts, he leaves no doubt that all of this is true.

He is not a monk, nor recluse from society. He is involved in politics and educational topics. Sometimes I fear he is too open in some of his involvments but those are his own and do not involve students.

A teacher is like a second parent and must maintain that relaltionship of authority and a stable role model. He must not drop the role and labels he has when dealing with students. If he does he loses some of the respect and honor he needs to stand at the head of the class and direct and shape the minds and lives of his students. Jeff is such a man. He not only teaches, I believe he also makes his students better for having known him. I count him among my most honored friends. Jeff can and does use the internet effectively. Teachers like him can and should be online with their students. Teachers of less vision and strength of character should avoid the internet for contact. I've said my piece and I stand by it.

I know Jeff will critque my blog here and he is welcome to do that. He will undoubtedly say as a persuasive essay I was short on examples and too much on testimonials. I saw each error I made and decided to just role with it and see what grade I would get. LOL I wish I had had the opportunity of his classes when I attended BYU, but I don't know if Jeff was even born when I was there in my freshman year of 1979. All his students are blessed to have him and know him. I am sure they know that.

Any comments anyone has are welcome and hoped for

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chris Cuomo is one of the best in interviews and GMA-type pieces. I admire him as a person and as a television personality. He has an excellent moral compass and a wonderful tender heart. If he were not on GMA I am not sure I would watch it. You really get a sense that he cares about the issues and the stories he covers. In addition he works to be fair and keeps his own feelings out of his interviews and reporting....unless you know what to look for. His championing of issues of faith are so compelling. I am grateful I have him on my follow list on Twitter and I am very grateful for the interaction we occassionally have. He is the greatest.

He receives a lot of uncalled for criticism for some of the statements he makes on behalf of ABC, and GMA. Today he explained that he has to keep his own opinions out of the limelight which surrounds him. Some people are trying to make him accountable for stories appearing on GMA. He explains that he only reads the news sometimes or makes comments as required on stories appearing on the show. When he speaks on Twitter, he speaks for himself. When he speaks on GMA or ABC News, he is not representing himself or his own views. I accept that on face value and continue to admire, respect and enjoy him. I invite you to do the same.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Random Thoughts frm Twitter

Dear Family and Friends:

McCain is saying he supports the surge as outlined by Obama but he does not support the hard-sounding end date for withdrawal. That's ok, he supported the surge as outlined by Bush but did not support paying for it. We fought a long and costly war for a people who seemed not to appreciate our sacrifice (bunch of waring tribesman and Islamic factions!) and Bush and McCain kept wanting to cut taxes. I know they intended to pay for the war by contributions from the Iraqi oil and that was all well and good, but someone needed to kick our intelligence people in the pants for having such bad info to dispense. WMD? SURE! People will follow us as liberators? SURE! Shall I go on???? Well, when none of that was happening, we were kind of in it and we had to figure out a way to nation build and get ourselves out of it. That was going to mean tax hikes to pay for the war. How high was the national debt when we left? What idiot let THAT happen? Let us not let that happen again!

So....we lent out all this money to keep the banks and others from failing and now they are doing so great that they can give their exec's bonuses higher than many small businesses make in a year. How can we allow that? When we, the people, are their creditors and they took our money then why can't we make some demands on them and recoop some of our loses. By taking tax payer money they were basically admitting to bankruptcy. I believe the we, the people have a right to make some "suggestions" which THEY, the debtor ought to follow. Without us they would be going under. Without THEM, we the US of A, supposedly would have gone under. I think we need to come to some understandings between us as to how things are going to go, but one of them certainly must be that 200 million people should not be upset about how their money is being spent. It certainly is a hardship on people out of work and with no health insurance to watch the big bucks be given to these guys who live like sultans and their cronies.

Celebrities who are high profile, at that, need to accept what goes with the territory. I really enjoy watching Tiger on the golf course, and I think he is a great guy off. However when he pulls out at 2:30 in the morning and runs into a tree and destroys a fire hydrant then there ensues the circus where his wife runs out with a club and breaks the back window so she can get him out of the car, etc etc etc..... This deserves the answers the public is asking: What was he doing out driving like that at 2am and what got him to have that accident close to his very own driveway? If it was a Cadillac malfunction, I think the people should know. If he was not drinking, then why was he not in control of himself and the car?

I really don't care if he is having an affair or not. That is his own business and between himself and his wife, but I think he needs to make himself more credible and understandible than he has. He needs to come clean enough so that he seems human and not this great mystery.....that he isn't!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Healthcare Revisited

I have to agree with Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe. The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. They have a majority in both houses, a very popular president in office but their enemies are basically in their own "house." President Obama is doing a good job of representing the party, but his own people are preventing him from leading. Somebody needs to open a door for him, and help him to garner support from the right people and to ogranize in an effective way. Why aren't the democratic leaders (majority leaders and committee chairpeople) standing up and supporting him instead of putting out arguments which cause contention and weaken his support base and instead give him something to lead with! When healthcare gets defeated, it will not be because it is a bad idea or that Obama or the Democrats don't have a plan, even a good plan. It will be because the party in power has too many turncoats and gainsayers within its ranks.

The Republicans NOT in power have used their contentious spirit which they have polished over the past 8 to 16 years or more, to whip up the doubts and fears amongst the American people to a fever pitch. Now, they are helping to bring out the worst of the party in power. The issue, as I see it, is that the American people have been made afraid(by Republicans) that they cant trust their elected government to come up with a healthcare plan. Obama is trying to use his rock star status (quickly waning) to bring up moral support for his thoughts on the issues of Healthcare. There is a real problem in that the people have been de-focused from real issues and focused on this issues of their fears and the hob goblins the Republicans have set up before them.

The most basic need in this country's healthcare system is to cover those without care. I heard one of my relative say that he thought you could just go into a hospital and tell them you needed care and couldn't pay them. They would be obligated to treat you and later you could then decide on paying them as you could. He thought the healthcare system was doing just fine and needed no reform! There is a clear lack of understanding of how this whole thing works on HIS part, obviously....but still something needs to be done and nothing is being done....FAST!!

How about we start with the uninsured. Let's make a blanket statement that every American has to have medical insurance of some kind as well as prescription coverage. That leaves all those Americans who want to keep what they have on their own and only makes us consider those who have NO insurance. That also leaves out the "under insured" but they have not spoken up and so we leave them alone. We have to appease those who are yelling about getting healthcare support and reform. We also have a responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves...what are Republicans proposing for THEM? I propose that we have that public option for those who have no healthcare. We also mandate that employers keep covering the employees they are now covering. There. See how easy that is? Then we extend Medicare to all who have no healthcare and pay for it by tabacco and alcohol taxes. Anything we can do to move funds where it should be going. Taxes we are already collecting for any kind of health hazzard should be included in the pot. i know we have people in Washington who can figure this stuff out if they would get their heads out of somewhere they don't belong and their hands out of Lobbiest pockets.

Let us work together. I don't know if my ideas have any merit, but all I hear is that the president doesn't have a plan but the president's plan won't work. The Democrats are trying to bancrupt the country and kill off the Insurance companies, small business and run everybody to public healthcare. Another one of my relatives told me that she was afraid of losing her job! Negative, negative, negative. Can we please make it work this time?

I went to my doctor for a regular visit and when I got the bill it was over $100! A year ago it was $50. We can't afford Healthcare like that!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Afghanistan & the Islamic world

World and Ancient History is my thing....what I studied in college. I also love comparative religions and the cultures that they inspire. Therefore I am somewhat familiar with the Arab and the Islamic world. They are rich in heritage, traditions, and of course, their faith. They look back to the Crusades and the atrocities and suffering they endured at the hands of the west, but the West grew up! They are still living in the 12th Century! They have reason to mistrust America and the West, but they have extremists who work to undermine peace and offers of help because of the 12th Century. Now admittedly some of my ancestors rode and fought in those Crusades, others of my noble and royal house sent those Crusades out (King John). However, I want the west to be able to help Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. We have much that we can learn from each other....but they have to stop fighting us and just regulate their contact with us. I have no doubt that they need protection from certain elements and segments of the west, but they need to stop hating because of the deeds of the past (centuries back).

Seems to me that things are getting out of hand. The Shiite/Sunni conflict is destroying their chance at democracy. Of course, they don't seem to be ready for democracy. They don't see how it works in Saudi Arabia and in Turkey. They would like more of a Sadam Hussein type leader except one who would be more generous and kind. Won't work like that. They are ruining their culture and stopping its progress on the world stage. It seems to me that the Western world is pretty well civilized but the Islamic world, as well as most of Asia is falling into chaos!

I wish they would get it together and become peaceful nations and progressive cultures. Is there a chance?